Collaboration in Nursing (A)

October 4, 2021

Collaboration in Nursing

30 Collaborative Art Projects That Bring Out Everyone's Creative Side

There are so many paintings out there that reflect many important aspects of life, love, spirituality, and humanness, among many other themes. One theme that was chosen for me and my peers was the importance of collaboration and the impact it has on the lives of others. The painting I chose above depicts an image of a lion with several different puzzle-pieces put together by various artists. I found that this image depicted collaboration very obviously, as several artists were involved in the formation of this artwork and had to work together to create a coordinated image whilst staying individualized at the same time.

I believe that nursing is very similar. Nurses work in teams of people which generally involve the health care provider, the family of the patient, the patient, the nurse aides, and many others. Working with such a large team requires strong collaboration skills as well as creativity. Like the picture, every person in the team visualizes and expresses ideas in different ways; and in the end, even though everyone has their own ideas, each puzzle piece fits together to create a unique combination of care that, in the end, hopefully leads the patient in the right direction.

Comments 1

  • Hi Jordan!
    I really love your picture choice and your elaboration on this painting and it’s relation to collaboration. I agree with you on how collaboration in nursing is crucial. If we didn’t collaborate the way we do, our patients could have very different outcomes than what we are used to seeing them have. Great job!
