Medication Reconciliation Project Reflection 11.10.2021

Medication Reconciliation E Portfolio Reflection Due Nov 10th

            Please reflect on the process of doing this medication reconciliation. Here are some thoughts/ ideas you can include:

  • Did you notice any safety concerns?
    • For my patient, I did not notice any significant safety concerns. My patient’s most significant concern what that he is a frequent heavy weightlifter and is taking a medication that causes dizziness. Because he lifts heavy weights and hold his breath, he is at a greater risk of dizziness and syncope. Patient was educated on this finding.
  • Were they related to the age of your patient or your patient’s ability to understand their medications?
    • These risks were not related to the age of my patient. However, it could be related to his ability to understand his medications. He did not know that his diuretic could cause dizziness; therefore, there was a discrepancy with his knowledge of his medications.
  • Did the patient know why they were on each medication? Why would that be important?
    • Yes, my patient knew why he was on each medication. It is important to know because the patient will be more inclined to take his medications if he knows why he is taking them. It is also important for him to know his conditions for future medical reconciliation purposes.
  • Were there two medications that did a similar thing? Did the patient know why they were on both or was it an oversight?
    • No, the medications my patient was on all did different things. He is taking a dyslipidemia medication, a hypertensive medication, a vitamin D supplement, and a multivitamin. They all work together, but they all do separate things.
  • Were there any serious medication interactions that the patient had not been aware of?
    • No, my patient did not have any serious medication interactions that he was unaware of.

Overall, I enjoyed doing this project because I now feel like I understand how to reconciliate medications in the real world. I am assuming, as a future nurse-to-be, I will be performing medication reconciliations with several healthcare team members. It is good practice to create medication reconciliations so I will be able to successfully create one when I become a nurse.

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