Planning Change

Evidence-based practice is well known in the healthcare community for ensuring care and care planning are up-to-date and most beneficial to the patient according to research. As a student nurse, I hope to learn and utilize the skills from this class in my future practice as a nurse. For the time being, my group and I have discussed our dissemination project, our communication plan, accountability, and conflict management. By addressing these topics, my team will hopefully be more likely to succeed as a group. 

In order to be successful, we have decided that dividing up tasks among group members seems to be the best way to maintain group integrity and get things finished in a timely manner. Though we are not too far into the process of configuring our project, we have created a rough “layout” plan of what we would like to address in our project presentation. Divvying out assignments will feasibly create less tension and create a more manageable workload; however, if a team member starts to fall behind on work, we decided that we will appoint a team leader to ask privately why work is not being completed in a respectful and open way. If work is not completed after the encounter or accommodation plans are not made, the teacher will become involved so the issue may be resolved. 

Because we are in a clinical rotation group together and seem to work well as a team, I do not anticipate any major barriers. One conflict we may encounter are varying work schedules. However, with the technology that is offered today and the ability to work asynchronously is available, I think this barrier may be easily resolved. 

Working as a team, as well as working on a topic that involves extensive research, is key when going into the nursing world. Though some nurses do not specifically wish to become research-oriented, it is a very real possibility that research may be indicated on the floor one works on in order to become a more efficient and safe place for patients and/or nurses. It will be very effective, if said situation occurs, to have taken an evidence-based practice class so that research can be thoroughly conducted for optimal client care.

Comments 1

  • You’ve identified some excellent strategies for addressing any potential barriers in advance – well done!
