Reflection: Presenting Change

It is difficult to gauge how our audience responded as no one took the survey that we included on our poster. However, I asked my old clinical instructor and she said that many people stopped to read the poster and commented that the poster looked good. I think, if the poster was bigger and the colors were more vibrant, it would have reached more people. Feedback was difficult to obtain, as stated prior, no one took the survey. 

While working on this project, I think my team worked decently well together. Although not everyone was able to work on things at the same time, things would get done asynchronously. I think we worked better this way, as things would still get done even if we were not physically together. If someone could not meet, work on something by a certain date, or was slow to get things done, as long as things were communicated to the team other members would accommodate to fit the team’s needs. 

In terms of my future practice as a nurse, I think that team building and teamwork is an incredibly vital skills to acquire. I also think, as a team, we all learned the true importance of evidence-based practice and how it directly applies to modern-day nursing standards of care. As a team member, I discovered that I was more of a worker in the group than a team leader. In past group projects, I had taken initiative and done most of the work, and tried to be the team leader. However, this time, we had another person take that initiative and I think she did a great job guiding the team. 

Overall, this evidence-based practice class has shown me how to develop a strong team and how to display forms of leadership, even if you are not the defined leader of the group. I am thankful for my group members, as none of us had any issues and all worked well together as a team. I am certainly going to bring this forward to future practice initiatives and hopefully develop my evidence-based practice skills.
