Comments 4

  • Jo,
    I can tell you really want this ED position! I know you and I have talked about your experience and what you gained from that and it certainly shows from your cover letter! I think a way to really sell that is by adding a fourth paragraph and talking about what draws you personally to this position. Make a deeper connection and I feel like this will pull it all together!
    Your resume also contains a lot of experience and accolades which I know employers will love. You really show your stuff and “toot your own horn” so to speak. I think going forward with edits, you should decrease the number of bullet points you have under your professional experience. Additionally, to help with length, adjust the font types, size, and line spacing. I have had to do this and am (still) working on how to make mine shorter.
    All in all these were both really good! You would make an excellent ED nurse.

  • Hi Jo! Wow, well done! Your cover letter is very professional yet allows your voice to come through in your writing. It is clear that you are invested in this organization by adding sentences pertaining to your own goals/values and connecting it to their mission. Your resume is very clear and concise. I like how you chose an accent color – it makes your headers stand out. It is very organized and meets all the requirements. My only feedback is that to decrease the word volume under the clinical experience – this may help keep things concise and to the point! Overall, beautiful first draft!

  • Hi Jo,

    I reviewed your resume first and I like the formatting of it! I like the separation of each section; it made it easy to follow and read. However, I think the content and experience included under your recent jobs is too much. I think 4-6 points would be adequate, but I do understand the important of your job experience. If I would to anything, I would add more to the clinical experience and reduce the bullets under the jobs. Either or, you do a nice job representing your skills learned throughout your professional experience. I also want to see your volunteer experience. You did a lot with patient care, show it!

    I loved your cover letter! It is very personal and shares your experience/skills. I think you do a good job of presenting yourself to the hiring staff. I have no recommendation, other than maybe reduce the length slightly.

    Good job!!

  • Hey Jordan!
    Great job on both your cover letter and your resume! I enjoyed reading them, and especially appreciated the bits of color that were included! I liked how your resume had a section for your certifications, and it was very organized! I would recommend removing your high school education in your resume, because we only need our most recent and current education experience listed. I would also recommend reducing the number of bullets you have used under your work experience. While it’s amazing that you have so many skills and qualifications, I would just work on shrinking this down a bit to make it more concise!
    For your cover letter, I thought it was extremely well written and through, and also included personal details and values about the hospital you are applying to! My only recommendation for your cover letter is you could probably make an additional paragraph or shorten the letter slightly with the information you already have.
    Overall, wonderful job on these and I look forward to seeing where you end up working next!
