Nursing Logic Module Reflections

Reflection Assignment I:

Reflection Assignment II:


After completing NL modules 3 & 4, the student will write 1-2  paragraphs on each module discussing: 1) What new learning occurred from the content in this module?  2) How does it relate to what you are learning this semester? 3)  How it will your new understanding influence your integration into the nursing culture? The assignment will be completed in ePortfolio, but will be uploaded into Brightspace using the directions available in the ePortfolio submodule under Resources. 

Answer to Prompt:

Module III focused primarily on making decisions based on nursing knowledge and clinical judgement. I get worried sometimes that when I become a nurse, I will not know how to put all of my knowledge and judgment together when I need it most. This module gave some structure to that fear, which I needed to become an efficient thinker in the healthcare field. 

The module talked about how sound clinical judgments ensure “safe care, high-quality care, and client-centered care.” At first, when I read those three things, I thought about how all of them were the same. But, after thinking for a little while, I realized that safe care isn’t always high-quality care, and client-centered care can become too personal perhaps and can then become unsafe care. I think it’s important to differentiate those things when applying clinical judgement and reasoning skills. 

I enjoyed reading module IV because I think that it helps me better prioritize issues I may encounter in the healthcare setting. For example, sometimes in class, I find that every patient in a scenario seems important and needs attention. However, I cannot see every patient at once and so I must prioritize. This module was very thorough in showing ways to cope with this learning curve for new nurses and I appreciated the lessons.  

Module IV gives a couple of questions nurses can ask themselves when encountering a situation with many patients. The three questions I found most important were as follows: (1) what is the most important assessment finding?; (2) what interventions should I provide now and which can I do later?; and (3) which situation poses an immediate threat to client safety? These are questions I can ask myself during clinicals when I encounter a situation where I need to prioritize my patients and interventions that follow. 

Overall, these modules were very helpful and increased my understanding of becoming the best nurse I can be.
